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Leadership is something that has been on earth for a very long time, it is an act of leading and guiding a team or group of people in order to archive particular goals. This could be work-related, sports-related, Educational related and etc. A leader is someone that people will always follow due to the fact that that person is trustworthy and the fact that they will lead and act with the best interest of the group at heart. Leadership is a very broad term because there are different styles of leaders, and each one of them leads in different ways depending on the type of organization or situation they are in.

Different styles of leadership

1. Democratic Leadership - these are leaders who make decisions democratically and mostly based on their team’s points of view and feedback.

2. Autocratic Leadership - In most cases, you could say it's the exact opposite of democratic leadership because these leaders don't even consider their employees’ opinions and they always make decisions alone.

3. Laissez-faire Leadership - in the word “Let them do”, these leaders usually ensure that authority lies within the employees, however, this may lead to less development.

4. Strategic Leadership - these leaders act as mediators between the senior teams and the employees and their job is to ensure that the working conditions are stable when the groups are making decisions.

5. Transformational Leadership - these are leaders who are always looking for ways to transform and improve functions and capabilities.

6. Transactional Leadership - these leaders are mostly known as the rewarding leaders who award employees who achieve a goal that a company sets.

7. Coach-Style Leadership - This is my personal favorite style of leadership because these leaders usually encourage people to focus on their strengths and talents so that they can be the best version of themselves. I personally love this leadership style because it brings out the best in other people and myself

8. Bureaucratic Leadership - these are leaders who follow the rules and follow the company’s policies. They do listen to their employees, however, sometimes they choose to ignore them if their proposal doesn't fit the policies of the company.

Statics shows that leadership is 30%, and 70% learned. So means that we are all natural-born leaders, however, you are the one who decides whether we want to learn leadership or not. To put it simply leadership is something that we are all born with at the same time it’s something that needs to be learned over time in order to become a great leader to others.

Leadership vs Management

Leadership Management Motivate and influence others to do great Controlling a group or team to complete a task. Lead people manage work Create vision Create goals Look in the future Look in the present

3 characteristics of effective Leadership

  • They are self-aware and prioritize personal development

  • They focus on developing others.

  • They practice effective cross-cultural communication

Ways to measure a leader's effectiveness

  • Look At Objectives And Key Results.

  • Check The Growth Of The Team.

  • Measure Confidence in the team

  • Measure Workforce Attitudes

The relationship between influence and leadership

To be honest, there isn’t really a big difference between influence and leadership because when it comes down to it, an influencer can become a leader to some and a leader can become an influence to others as well. However, the difference between the two is that influence is the capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways, and leadership on the other hand is the process of leading a group or team of people to archive a particular goal. It is also the ability to influence and guide followers. To summarize everything a leader can be an influencer toward his followers and an influencer can be a leader toward the followers who they influence.

Example of a Leader

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela also known as Thatha Madiba was an anti-apartheid activist who was also the first black president in the year 1994 - 1990. He was a democratic leader who dismantled the legacy of apartheid by fostering racial reconciliation.

Strengths - He had a powerful presence and disarmed enemies with his smile.

- He was a visionary and could see the big picture.

Weakness - Puppetry, used by former jailers and racists to push white interests and sell out his own people.

- He failed to improve and expand the education system to everybody.

- He was not practical. He thought every crisis could be solved by talking peace, while the enemy is busy invading, raping, and butchering civilians.

shortcomings and achievements

  1. He is South Africa’s co-founder of the first black legal partnership.

  2. He played the leading role to end apartheid.

  3. He was the first black president of South Africa.

  4. He created several organizations to promote equality in the country.

  5. He also founded organizations that fight problems like HIV/AIDS.

What Nelson Mandela has taught us.

  • In life, you should never give up and never lose hope.

  • Violence is not the answer to solving any problem, a great example of this is how he ended the apartheid era and policies.

  • Draw a line under your past, learn to forgive, and focus on the present and the future.

  • Everyone is equal no one is above the other, thus all races should learn to live with each other in peace and harmony.

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